Welcome to the course

(that could change everything)

Time management is such an important life skill! It helps our kids become more independent, focused, and motivated and I can't wait to help your kids (and mine) become more intentional with their time.
Welcome to the course

In a Nutshell

  • Daily videos

    5 minute video lessons that can be done independently or as a family!

  • 4 week course

    4 weeks of video content, printables, activities and worksheets to help your entire family be more aware of their time

  • Why Time Management?

    Learn why it is important, what value it holds for your child, and what it means.

  • Identify time wasters/distractions

    You don't have to tell your child, let them begin to recognize their own time wasters and begin to see what they may be holding them back from

  • Identify their priorities

    Through this course we will zero in on what truly matters and how to zone in on that

  • Focus

    Strategies for focus, setting healthy boundaries, creating habits, and doing that needs to be done, even when we don't feel like it

  • DIY Planner

    Learn how to create your own planner, the value of planning, and see examples

  • Evaluate their time

    Your kids will have challenges and activities to identify how long they think things will take them, what actually happens and how to be more realistic with their plans

Course curriculum

Ready to Take Control of Your Day?

And give your kids the tools they need to own their time?

Join us!


  • What ages is this recommended for?

    To do on their own, ages 11+ or writing independently. However they can do this with you helping them at any age. I would recommend doing this as a whole family. It will be a ton of fun!

  • How much time will the lessons take?

    5-10 minutes including brainstorming, quizzes, and activities. Some kids may want to work on it longer or take time on the planning days towards the end.

  • Is this licensed for more than 1 child?

    I am offering a family license with each purchase. This means that you can purchase the course and use it within your own immediate family. Your extended family and friends must purchase on their own, it is against my terms of use to share your log in information with anyone else.

  • What do I need for this course?

    Require resources: none. Recommended resources: an alarm clock, timer, and notebook for notes and planning. You also may want a printer for the worksheets but the worksheets are optional and just there for brainstorming and